On Not Following Your Heart

Light Watkins once said “Not following your heart is a form of betrayal.”

Who are you betraying? Yourself!

Guess what, if your heart truly needs what it is desiring it will find a way to make you do it!

One could say that God or the Universe will force you into a situation where you have to follow your heart. Where you have to pursue your dreams because that tiny, quiet voice is being very insistent that you do what ever it is to make that dream come alive.

What is your dream, that deep in your heart you know you need to do? Do it so when the day comes that you are no longer able to take action your heart will be at peace because you followed it.

Following your heart is not socially acceptable but will lead to a greater sense of adventure and push you out of your comfort zone.

Ignore your heart, in that betrayal the change will be much more dramatic than if you had listened earlier on.

Little changes are some much easier than giant ones forced upon us.

Your heart voice is maternal and will take care of you even if it feels uncomfortable.  Engage in service based actions to nurture your heart’s action.

Not sure what your heart wants, follow your interests and curiosity. Explore and you will find a thing that fulfills you when you do it. This doesn’t have to be your job, it can be something else, a hobby, a community service, you might be surprised at what comes along.

Listen to the internal cues that bubble up. That quiet voice.  It will speak loudly when all else is quiet. The quiet voice may also suddenly burst forth at times you least expect it to. Pay attention to what is being said and as soon as you can, act.


Immune Tea


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