Other Artists Inspiring You

Make use of Instagram and Pinterest to rev up your creative juices. Follow artists whose work resonates with you. I have many artists that I follow that inspire me. There are some that a year ago I was infatuated with how they worked and created their art. Then my creative ADD kicks in and I am off to another artist. Currently there are many I follow and only one or two that have techniques that I am in love with and playing around to mimic.

While mimicking and copying is a great way to learn, never duplicate another artist’s work and pass it off as yours. Plagiarism is frowned up on and in most cased illegal. Utilize their art as a vehicle for learning. Play and practice until your own style starts shining through. It will, given enough pencil miles and paper.

Have fun learning, in fact never give up learning and keep playing. You might surprise yourself at what you produce!


On Not Following Your Heart


The Art of Consistency