Forest Bathing

Phytoncides emitted by conifers help you heal.

Walking in the park after rain and snow, smelling sagebrush and junipers. Desert plants are pungent when the atmosphere is wet. Ponderosa Pines emit their own piney scent that is faint in the winter but much more prolific in the summer months when the heat loosens the pitch that seeps from wounds on the trees trunks. That smell is pure summertime to me. It takes me back to the mountains of Idaho where my parents took me as a small child. Summer camp amongst Doug fir and ponderosa was heaven too.

Turns out being outside amongst conifers helps your immune system do the job. The natural oils in all trees but more plentiful in conifers, provides a boost to the immune system. These Phytoncides rev up our natural killer cells. Sounds woo woo, I know but it is real science.

Get outside! No matter what the weather (unless it’s hazardous to your health) and spend time  outdoors. Twenty minutes of sunshine at sunrise and if you can, sunset. This will help reset your circadian rhythm and assist with sleep. You don’t need to look directly at the sun, just being out and looking into the distance is helpful. Have your cup of coffee outside.


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